Tenant Letter Templates

Below are letter templates you can use to communicate with your landlord or property manager regarding various situations. Be sure to carefully review your lease terms when sending these communications. This information is intended for educational purposes only and is not intended to be taken as legal advice. If you are in need of legal assistance regarding a landlord-tenant matter, check out local legal resources.

Request for Repairs

The letter below can be used to request repairs for maintenance issues in your apartment. Include a detailed description of the issue and any relevant history. Remember to keep a copy of the letter for your records.

(Click to open)

request for repairs letter template

Request for Permission to Sublet

The letter below can be used as a template for requesting permission from your landlord to sublet your apartment. Before sending it, review your lease terms and check for any specific rules or fees related to subletting.

(Click to open)

request for permission to sublet letter template

Notice of Intent to Vacate

The letter below can be used to inform your landlord of your intention to vacate your apartment. Be sure to review your lease to understand any fees or penalties associated with ending your lease early.

(Click to open)

notice of intent to vacate letter template

Formal Request for Security Deposit Refund

The template below can be used to write a letter to your landlord or property manager if they have not refunded your security deposit within the required 14-day timeframe after move out (A.R.S. ยง 33-1321). If the issue escalates and you are in need of legal assistance, check out local legal resources.

(Click to open)

formal request for security deposit refund letter template